Aligarh. Hello, I have bad news for you. I have placed an explosive in the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) campus. If I do not get two lakh rupees in two days, I will explode it. If you do not obey, pig fat oil will be mixed in the university food every day.
The threatening message received on 20 emails including the official email ID of the university, registrar, proctor late on Wednesday night shocked everyone. The university administration not only tightened the security system in the campus but also called the police and got the campus checked with the bomb squad. The police is investigating the whole matter.
This is the whole matter
The threatening email was received late on Wednesday night at 01:18 am. The mail has been sent to the IDs of AMU PRO, proctor, registrar and senior heads of various departments.
It is written in it that I have talked to some students. We have placed an explosive in your campus. If I do not get two lakh rupees on my UPI number in two days, I will explode the bomb. Think carefully and then act.
If you do not listen to us, we have planned to add oil made of pig fat in the food of your university. We will do this every day. The person who threatened has said that he is from ST gang. Even the police does not know where this gang is, because no one has heard its name before.
Threatening mails have been received on many mail IDs. A complaint has been made to the police about this. Security arrangements have been tightened in AMU. Due to winter vacation, the number of students in the hostel is very less. Due to this, food is not being cooked in the dining hall.
-Prof. M Wasim Ali, Proctor AMU
Complaint lodged in Civil Line Police Station
Taking the threat seriously, a complaint has been lodged in Civil Line Police Station on behalf of AMU’s security officer Azim Akhtar. In this, action has been demanded by investigating the email ID and UPI number.
Information has been received about bomb blast threat on AMU’s email ID. Cyber cell is investigating it. Dog squad and bomb disposal squad teams are checking the campus. The UPI number given in the mail is also being traced.
-Mrigank Shekhar Pathak, SP City
Late Thursday evening, CO First Abhay Kumar Pandey started checking in the AMU campus along with the teams of dog squad and Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS).