Bulandshahr. UP police has been tainted once again. A video was circulated on the internet media in the Kotwali Shikarpur area, in which a car was stopped during checking. Two constables are clearly seen taking out a pistol from their bike and keeping it in the car. In this case, the police had challaned the driver youth on the charge of keeping illegal weapons.
When the video was circulated, SSP Shlok Kumar Singh immediately handed over the investigation of the case to SP Crime Rakesh Mishra. After investigation, he submitted the report to the SSP. The SSP suspended Kotwali in-charge Rajesh Chaturvedi, town in-charge Shubham Chaudhary and two constables Sunil Kumar and Dharmendra. There is panic in the police department due to the strict stance of the SSP. The role of two home guards also seems suspicious in this case, who may be punished.
A video was circulated on the internet media on Monday. In this, the Kotwali police is seen taking out an illegal weapon i.e. pistol from their bike and keeping it in a car. The car is said to be of Amit Kumar son Dinesh resident of village Karira. Police has arrested Amit on charges of possessing illegal weapons and sent him to jail.
The incident was captured on camera
The incident of police removing illegal weapons from the bike and placing them in the vehicle was captured in the camera. When the video of the incident was broadcast on internet media, the police officers were shocked. Investigation of the case was started in a hurry.
The youth was challaned and sent to jail
CO Shobhit Kumar said that the video which is going viral on internet media. In the investigation done so far, the incident is of 21st July. On 21st July, Shikarpur Kotwali police arrested Amit, resident of village Karira, on charges of possessing illegal weapons. On 22nd July, he was challaned and sent to jail. The case is being investigated closely.
On the instructions of SSP Shlok Kumar, SP Crime investigated the case. After investigation, on Monday night, SSP suspended Shikarpur Kotwali in-charge Rajesh Chaturvedi, town outpost in-charge Shubham Chaudhary and both constables Sunil and Dharmendra. Also, action has been recommended against two home guards.