Mirzapur. A trailer coming from the front hit the car near the petrol pump near Tedhua Baba temple in Sikiya village of Adalhat area at around 11 pm on Saturday night. Four people of the same family traveling in the car died in the accident. The deceased include mother Shakeela, her two daughters Shagufta and Husn Ara and grandson Dilshan, while Shakeela’s son Taufiq, daughter Shaista and grandson Johan are undergoing treatment at the BHU Trauma Centre. The car riders were going to Sonbhadra via Varanasi halt after attending the wedding of a relative from Chandauli. Husn Ara was the principal of Kadiya Primary School in Chopan.
Shakeela Bano of Brahmanagar Colony, Robertsganj, Sonbhadra, her son Taufiq and daughter Husn Ara, resident of Idgah Road Ahmed Nagar, Obra area, her son Dilshan Bakhtiyar, second daughter Shagufta Parveen of Kunda Kala of Mughalsarai police station area, third daughter Sukrit K of Sonbhadra. Shaista Khatoon of Takiya village and her son Johan were going to Sonbhadra by car on Saturday night.
These people had gone to Chunnu Khan’s house in Nathupur Katesar village of Mughalsarai police station area of Chandauli to attend the wedding. Taufeeq was driving the car. As soon as the car reached Tedhua Baba temple via Narayanpur, it was hit by a speeding trailer coming from the front. The collision was so strong that the car jumped ten meters away from the road and hit the gate of Ankita Hospital. The wall of the hospital’s verandah also collapsed. Police sent the injured to BHU Trauma Center by ambulance, where Shakeela Bano, her daughter Husn Ara, grandson Dilshan Bakhtiyar and second daughter Shagufta Parveen died.
Shakeela’s son Taufiq, daughter Shaista and grandson Johan were seriously injured. Police arrested deceased Shakeela’s son Mohd. On the basis of Tanveer’s complaint, a case has been registered against the trailer driver, he has been arrested and the vehicle has been taken into custody.
Mirzapur’s Additional Superintendent of Police Operation OP Singh said that three women and a child of the same family have died in a road accident. Adalhat police have seized the trailer and taken the driver into custody. On the basis of the complaint filed by Tanveer, brother of car driver Taufiq, a case has been registered against the trailer driver.