Shahjahanpur: After 18 years, the then Superintendent of Police (SP) on the orders of the court for allegedly killing two people in Ram Ganga and Ganga ki Katri during a bandit eradication campaign in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. A murder FIR (FIR) has been started against 18 policemen including Additional Superintendent of Police.
This case has been registered in Jalalabad police station. Apart from the then Superintendent of Police (SP), the 18 accused include Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP), three Circle Officers (CO) and in-charge of 10 police stations.
According to the records, the investigation was carried out by the District Police and later the Crime Branch (CID) of the UP Police in 2014, which gave a clean chit to the policemen concerned, the police said.
Shahjahanpur Superintendent of Police S. Anand gave this information to the journalists on Saturday. He said that on the orders of the court, an FIR has been registered against 18 policemen in Jalalabad police station and the investigation of this case has been handed over to the Crime Branch.
According to a report in the Indian Express, Jalalabad police station in-charge Jai Shankar Singh said that even in the magisterial inquiry, the policemen were given a clean chit. “Almost all the police officers named in the case are now retired,” he said.
Ejaz Hasan Khan, the advocate of the victim’s side, told that on October 3, 2004, the villagers of Chachuapur village of Jalalabad police station had gone to Katri with their cattle and Prahlad was plowing his field there. Meanwhile, about 18 policemen reached there and caught Prahlad and Dhanpal who were plowing the fields.
He alleged that after this the policemen tied cartridge boxes around the necks of both and fired them with bullets by hanging each gun on their shoulders and tied their hands and taking them to Katri’s address. Later his body was taken away by the policemen in their jeep and told him to be a member of the gang of dacoits.
The lawyer told that Ram Kirti, brother of the deceased Prahlad, kept pleading for justice from the officials including various commissions since the incident, but when he was not heard, on 24 November 2012, he appealed to the court to file a report of murder on the policemen. .
However, the application was rejected by the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) saying that a lot of time has elapsed in the matter and the final report has also been filed in the whole matter.
Ejaz Khan told that after this he filed a revision application in the district judge’s court and argued that the then District Magistrate Amit Ghosh had also got the whole matter investigated by the Additional District Magistrate, in that also the matter was found suspicious, so the Additional District Judge Saurabh Dwivedi, accepting the revision application, ordered the court of CJM Abha Pal to hear again.
He said that CJM Abha Pal has ordered registration of an FIR against 18 policemen on January 28 last under section 302/34 (murdering by concurrence) and the copy was received by him (advocate) on Friday.
In the order, the then Superintendent of Police Sushil Kumar, Additional Superintendent of Police Mata Prasad, Circle Officer (Tilhar) Munnu Lal, Circle Officer (Jalalabad) Jaikaran Singh Bhadauria, Circle Officer (Sadar) RK Singh (all then officers), including 18 policemen, were asked to register an FIR for murder. Orders were given.
It is noteworthy that this case pertains to the period when many gangs including Bandit Kallu, Najju gang, Naresh Dhimar were creating terror in Jalalabad tehsil of Shahjahanpur district.
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