A video has gone viral from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, in which a young man and a woman are seen doing obscene acts. During this, their car went from Lucknow’s 1090 intersection to Chief Minister’s intersection and after opening the sunroof of the car, both of them kept kissing each other fearlessly by hugging each other. Let us tell you that the distance from 1090 intersection to Chief Minister’s intersection is about 2 kilometers.
Actually, in the viral video, a couple opened the sunroof of the car and stood up and started kissing each other by hugging each other. This sequence continued from Lucknow’s 1090 intersection to Chief Minister’s intersection. During this, people riding other vehicles on the road made a video of this matter, which is going viral. Police say that further action is being taken after investigating the viral video.
Couple started kissing openly in Nauchandi fair
Earlier in July this year, a video from Meerut went viral on social media. In this, a couple was seen doing obscene acts in the fair. There was a crowd of people around, but the boy and girl were kissing openly, unmindful of the crowd. During this time, many people were hooting and some were whistling. But the couple was unconcerned about all this.
They were busy kissing each other while hugging each other. People said that friends had challenged them to kiss openly. To complete this challenge, the couple did obscene acts in a public place. At the same time, Meerut’s SP City Ayush Vikram said that the viral video is from Bulandshahr. The video is not of this year but of last year. No selfie point has been made in Nauchandi fair this time.
The girlfriend sat on the lap of her boyfriend on the driving seat itself
A similar case came to light from Nagpur, Maharashtra. The video of a young man driving a car went viral on social media. It was seen in the video that his girlfriend is also present with the young man. Inside the car, the young man and his girlfriend start doing obscene acts on the driving seat. People travelling in other vehicles on the road made a video of this incident, which went viral.