Lucknow. Balram Tiwari, who self-immolated in the BJP office, died on Wednesday. Balram had committed self-immolation after being disturbed by the harassment of the landlord and the indecency of the police in Thakur. Balram’s wife Soni had made serious allegations against the police. DCP West had handed over the investigation of the case to ACP Chowk, however, the investigation report of the ACP has not come yet.
Balarama has four children. The police had registered an FIR against Soni’s Tahrir against the landlord Manish Pal and others for abetment to self-immolation. However, no action was taken against anyone. Balram had gone to Thakurganj police station several times with his wife and children. During this, the police had made an agreement between the landlord and Balram. Even a day before the incident, Balram along with family were present in Thakurganj police station till late night.
Soni alleges that the police personnel in the police station behaved indecently with him, due to which Balram was hurt and he committed suicide by going to the BJP office. Balram was admitted to the Civil Hospital in a critical condition, from where he was referred to the Trauma Centre. Balaram and his family could not meet anyone. There was tight security for this. As no action has been taken against the accused till now, questions are being raised about the working style of the police. Soni has the responsibility of raising four children and their financial system is also not good.